Thursday, July 22, 2010


'good bye',a good word but always make people cry. mcm pnah bace origin of this word is God be with you.huhu...

yesterday i had my 1st n 2nd farewell. sy x suke farewell!!kenape?bkn sbb sy akan menangis,but u have to give speech!!the 1st farewell was in the office by my boss, bayangkn bile time nk mule tu, cake + drinks + org xsmpai siap wat lawak kt my collegue maybe not many people like me..sigh..bile 4.30pm je selepas cake smpai br org dtg..adekah dtg sbb kek?go figure..hehhe.btw,people here really like cakes tp sy rase wlaupn rupe lain,sume rase same jek..

berbalik kpd farewell tu,my GM siap ckp,dlm byk2 farewell org slalunye depressed but izani is still smiling..well mmg xleh nk nangis dpn org kn nk wat camne..blushing trus bile die ckp "she has a nice smile with the dimple" n then sume org focus kt sy..apekah..

my direct SV plak bg speech n bgtau "eventhough i just know izani for 2 months, she is a fire for this dept" adekah sbb sy slalu marah org or ckp kuat??kompius den."its because of her energy to get the things done make people also have to do their part"(not the exact wording).owh i'm very terharu siott..pastu siap bace poem tau utk sy..ayat yg paling best, 'we have seen that you worked without fear'..i like.

am i becoming just like my father?fierce n energetic?maybe so.but i'm also product of my mum,the smiling part..patutla mak awek mude kn..

the 2nd farewell was with msian fren at home.biasela tong2 wat potluck.kebetulan sedap plak nasik minyak n kurma kharuf..pakcik2 kt sini la yg byk tlg sy,wlaupn sy rase bole je survive,tp sbb komuniti msia kecik je (15 org)we are very close.sape lg nk mintak tlg kn kalo susah..

nway,the good bye part;i'm really thankful that i'm here to experience new environment,people and different kind of tension..hehhe.never thought of pergi ke africa..mak kate sape soh mkn kepak ayam byk sgt,kn da terbang jauh2.will summarize mauritania journey soon..

i hope that i did contribute something good to this country,as they are majority muslim frens..

so good bye mauritania, semoga Allah limpahkan rahmat untuk negaramu..
'Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum, kecuali kaum itu sendiri mengubah nasib mereka'

1 comment:

  1. guess wht ju, emak tharu sgt2 bca blog awk neh.
    ayah pn mcm da kembang2 bla sy crita psal blog awk neh. bestnyer...
    truskn bkarya! sy suka sgt2...
