Sunday, August 1, 2010

we are talking about toilet

hahaah.terase busuk lak bile tulis perkataan toilet..huhu.nway, mesti sume org bile nk kenc kt toilet awam is terrifying,wondering toilet tu bersih or not..dulu sy susah sgt nk g toilet bile time berjalan2...n my kakak xkn kenc kalo toilet tu nmpk mcm xberselera..huhu,xselera nk kenc sbb xbersih la..

toilet pn ade 2 kategori, dry or wet..yg dry slalunye omputih n yg wet slalunye org org msia, if toilet tu ade air n bersih, heaven la kalo nk g mlepas..but for omputih,derang xsuke basah2 banjir kt toilet,ckp sekadar tisu jek..

if u r in home or public toilet yg dry, jgnla banjirkn toilet org tu,learn how to ensure the toilet as dry as possible..slalu mmg ade byk lap kaki kt toilet cmni..

objective sy menulis arini adelah observant sy terhadap toilet di aiport. paris cdg xde air n xberape bersih. schipol amsterdam xde air but bersih. dubai dbx sgt bersih n ade air,sy sgt cmn xde air n kotor..huhu..just few aiport tuh..if to compare with klia, kite standard okla sbb ade air n slalu dibersihkn..

toilet impian: bersih+ade air+tisu+toilet seat cleaner+wangi..huhu xyah fancy2 pn xpe..

dulu mase sy practical, adela org tu ckp toilet melambangkn personaliti org tu, bersih toilet,bersihla org tu n kengkawan,jgn lupe basuh toilet slalu,seminggu sekali atleast..

tips for pegi toilet yg xde air esp dlm flite: bwk botol air kosong bile pegi mane2.solve problem for org yg memerlukn air bile pegi toi toi..


  1. ish ish.. rse mcm tharunyer ada crita psal habit baik sy... (alergic wit derty toilet!)
    tq ju. i'm so tharu~

  2. hahaar. nsib baek kat ostel ade macek cleaner bercehkan :ppp
